
Hochschule München and HTM Group enter into cooperation

31. May 2022

The Hochschule München (HM) and the HTM Group, headquartered in Taufkirchen, are working together to establish a Helicopter Flying Testbed.

Students from Hochschule München visiting HTM

With the help of the Helicopter Flying Testbed, the performance parameters for the integration of existing mission systems can be systematically analyzed and optimized, and new types of mission systems and components can be developed and tested.

Within the framework of this project, students at the Hochschule München will gain a fundamental insight into the development processes in aviation and will be able to apply and deepen the theoretical knowledge they have learned at HM using a real project as an example. This includes, among other things, the systematic approach to development projects in aviation starting with project planning and budgeting, preliminary design, detailed design and certification according to aviation standards.

In a first step, students at Hochschule München are integrating a downlink system into an H145 helicopter from the manufacturer Airbus Helicopters.

This system will be used, for example, to transmit sensor and video data from the flight test to a ground station and thus make it available to a larger development team in real time. "The bidirectional data transmission system represents a fundamental building block in our flight test platform. The flight test engineers on the ground can evaluate the data immediately and thus detect maneuvers at an early stage that could possibly lead to safety-critical flight conditions during the flight test and abort the flight test," says Andreas Schühle, managing director of HTM Group's EASA Part 21J development operation, Advanced Aerospace Developments GmbH.

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