Ambulance Transports

HTM carries out medical flights for patients. Here, saving lives is the top priority. Through the cooperation of HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH and MKT Krankentransport Schmitt / Obermeier OHG, patient transports can be carried out at the highest level in Germany and abroad. In the case of transfer flights, patients, some of whom require intensive care, are flown within Germany to a suitable hospital which offers the best care.


Rescue missions with specially trained crews and fully equipped helicopters

An EC 135 ambulance helicopter, which is equipped as a rescue helicopter and can be flown both at night and during the day, is used for this purpose. With years of experience in medical transport services, MKT provides the medical crew with additional intensive care training as well as the necessary medical equipment. HTM provides the rescue helicopter as well as the pilot and technical crew member. In this way, the individual competencies of the two companies complement each other perfectly. The equipment of a helicopter in ambulance flight includes:

  • wheeled stretcher with fixture

  • respiratory unit: Oxylog 3000plus

  • monitoring: 12-channel ECG with AED mode

  • external pacemaker

  • perfusors as required

  • electrical suction pump: stationary and portable (Accuvac Rescue)


Get in touch with us. Our team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.